What a day.
What a beautiful, happy-tears-filled kind of day this was.
This new mama and daddy were so connected to each other, to family around them (near and far), and most of all to their new baby girl. It was a joyous, joyous thing to be a part of.
Watching them meet baby Aurora was obviously the highlight, but a close second was witnessing Alexandra calling her mom soon after her brand new baby girl was placed on her chest. You see, Alexandra is from Australia, and Australia is where her mother still resides. I remember how important it was for me for my parents to be there when my daughter was born, so I can only imagine the emotions this brand new mama was feeling as she got to introduce Aurora to her grandmother.
About halfway through you can see them on the phone, and it just gets me every time. I hope these images make them smile and cry and laugh and remember. These kind of days are worth that!