I'm kind of at a crossroads with my blog(s). (Did y'all know I had two?) I have a huge jumble of thoughts floating around in my head so I'm going to use this post to try and sort it all out, and I welcome any thoughts!
1.) I don't feel that full-time photography is really my calling. I enjoy it, and I still want to learn and grow, but I think I will only take on clients when asked, versus actively pursuing sales. I'm just no good at that. Because of that, I don't feel this site needs to be a full time photography site, though that will always be a love of mine. Instead, since I already use it as a family journal of sorts, maybe I will just expand upon that a bit, posting my kid friendly activities and maybe a meal here and there when I find one we really love.
2.) I'm kind of tired about stressing about how my food looks. I mean, I haven't done this since before I found out I was pregnant, but if I go back to blogging primarily about cooking/baking on Sugar and Grace (the other blog), I fear I might fall into that habit again. Since most people reading on this site are either family or friends, if I do post a recipe, I trust you won't judge my props/lighting/presentation…right?
3.) I tend to get an inferiority complex when it comes to food blogging. There are just SO many great sites out there that I end up feeling like I can never match up to the quality of such-and-such's blog. And that's not really the point. Here, I can just share what I love, without trying to fit a niche or meet an expectation.
3.) I am doing something I never, ever thought I would get to do starting Januray, which is be a stay at home mom. Granted, it is only for the next six months, until the next school year starts back up and I go back to work, but it still means I get to take care of our daughter at home for a little while longer, and be a little more involved in Ian's school than I normally am able to be working full time. I am eternally grateful to my husband and family for being so supportive, but I still feel I need to try and contribute financially as much as I can. Since I will not be bringing home a regular paycheck, I am doing/making things to try to supplement what we are losing. That being said, I cannot really afford to spend time on two blogs, and I know I am not going to give up writing about/to my family. So this one wins. Maybe I'll even have a little "Shop!" button on here someday when I can figure out e-commerce….
So I don't really know how this is going to pan out, but I do know I want to share the things I love with the people I love, and hopefully that's what this site will be!
Thanks, as always, for listening. :)