Sugar Cone Christmas Trees | Kid's Christmas Craft

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees Here's another quick easy Christmas activity for you! This was something we did during the ice storm last year when we were walled in by white and kept inside for a glorious 5 days straight. I had, fortunately, already bought the sugar cones and icing for this activity, but the decorations were just random bags of baking stuff I found in the pantry! Use what you have!

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

These are a great substitute for decorating gingerbread houses if you find that too laborious (or expensive!)

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees


Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

Sugar cones

One can of white icing

Green food coloring

Various edible decorations (Mini M&M's, sprinkles, marshmallows, chocolate chips, etc.)


Add a few drops of food coloring to your icing and mix until you get the shade of green you want. Holding the cone with two fingers inside, use a butter knife to spread icing all over the "tree." Add decorations to your little heart's content!

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

Dad even joined in. He made an OSU tree. Shocking!

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

Don't forget to run around using the cake plate lid as a shield.blog5

They are perfectly imperfect. Just the way kids like 'em!blog6